Roadmap to Becoming a Black Hat Hacker (Educational Purpose Only)
Cybersecurity Roadmap Disclaimer This blog is for strictly educational purposes. Cybersecurity knowledge and skills can be put to ethical and unethical purposes. Black Hat Hacker is doing illegal things that may result in severe legal implications. That is why this roadmap is shared, so one can understand the learning process of hacking and cybersecurity for use responsibly. Introduction: Black Hat vs White Hat Black Hat Hacker is more of a choice to use your skills of cybersecurity unethically, whereas it is not a different profession altogether. Whether you become a White Hat Hacker (ethical) or a Black Hat Hacker (unethical), the actual process of learning is just the same. It depends on you. If you are interested in the offensive side of cybersecurity—Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Exploitation - this roadmap will guide you step by step. Stage 1: Building Foundation Start with a solid base in your career. 1. Networking basics Learn the followin...